Folge hat mir gefallen, die Storylines gehen nun etwas zügiger voran. Netter Teaser am Ende :) Bin jetzt sehr gespannt auf die letzte Episode der Staffel.
Die Showrunner haben ja schon angekündigt, dass es keine große Specialeffectsshow wird, sondern man den bisherigen Weg weiterverfolgt und den einzelnen Stories Platz einräumt
We always like the idea of going underneath it," adds McKay. "It can become very tempting to end your season on a huge battle. We like the idea of a more intimate, emotional battle, at least that was the aspiration. And then going deeper and deeper and deeper into character. And hopefully, when you watch the eighth episode, that’s what it feels like. We want the stakes to feel bigger, but not necessarily in the scope or the special effects. A temptation and a pitfall we see quite a bit in movies, and in some of these big shows is like, you’ve got to keep topping yourself. You have got to keep Keeping Up With The Joneses. More aliens in the sky over New York. More giant lasers shooting up to the cloud. [We’re saying] ‚no, no, no, no, let’s go deeper in.‘ And if it feels that way, awesome.