Whistleblower berichtet unter Eid von US-Bergungsprogramm für Ufo
Zwei frühere Militärpiloten und ein früherer Mitarbeiter des Verteidigungsministeriums haben Fragen eines speziellen Ausschusses des US-Repräsentantenhauses beantwortet und von ihren Sichtungen unidentifizierter Flugobjekte und deren Analysen berichtet. Viele Sichtungen würden gar nicht gemeldet, weil die Piloten beispielsweise Angst um ihren Job hätten, bemängelten sie.
Besonders die Aussage des Ex-Mitarbeiters des Verteidigungsministeriums ließ aufhorchen. David Grusch sagte unter Eid aus, es habe »über Jahrzehnte« ein Programm der US-Regierung gegeben, um geborgene Ufo-Teile zu untersuchen. Laut Grusch, der bis 2023 in dem Ministerium die Analyse von ungeklärten Phänomenen geleitet hatte, sei Material »nichtmenschlichen« Ursprungs gefunden worden.
was haltet ihr von der geschichte? sind ja teilweise wirklich wilde sachen dabei.
ein paar zusammenfassungen der anhörungen von reddit:
All witnesses were questioned under oath; all are senior intelligence or military members
- They have much more specifics that can only be shared behind closed doors with congress members (due to security clearances)
- We have multiple-sensor kinematics, videography, and photography of many UAPs
- Witness demurred when asked if there have been murders as part of cover-up
- Witnesses described „No evidence of UAP“ statement as inaccurate
- Unable to defend against them whatsoever
- They are common, and there is now standard pre-flight briefings when pilots are encountering UAPs (military)
- Their capabilities exceed anything possible now or in the next ten years
- There are active crash retrieval and reverse-engineering programs, and witnesses have given exact names, location, and photographic and sensor-based evidence to congress in closed sessions
- Biological material has been retrieved
- Humans have been injured in the process of engineering/ retrieval
- The programs are paid for via misappropriated funds; private companies will overcharge the USG, with the excess going to these programs
- Both humans and UAPs have harmed human witnesses
- Witness could not describe in open setting besides describing what he and his wife personally saw as „exceptionally disturbing“
- Witness demurred when asked if there has been formal contact between USG and UAPs
- There are active retaliation efforts by senior leaders of intelligence and military community, including harsh reprisals; currently an open whistleblower reprisal investigation for one of witnesses
- It’s possible that UAPs are conducting reconnaissance, probing capabilities, and have an interest in our nuclear capabilities specifically
- Private companies have retaliated against commercial pilots reporting by issuing C&Ds
- Specifically do not call it extra-terrestrials, they’re non-human intelligence to avoid speculating origin
- When asked if other foreign powers have safety measures to mitigate risk of escalatory situation in the event of UAP malevolence, witnesses confirmed there is existing agreements recently declassified that had been appended to previous nuclear treaties
- Capable of jamming radar that no other adversaries can
- Gaetz saw a previously unmentioned UAP (a leaker reached out to him, unknown individuals tried to prevent his access to the information)
- A UAP has injuried someone(s) trying to reverse engineer it
- One of our pilots mentioned a previously unmentioned UAP hovering at a work, pilot got within 50 feet (black cube in clear sphere model)
- A football field-sized red cube UAP
- Grusch’s wife and Grusch saw something that terrified them
- The gov has communicated with them
- Corporations are on secret bankrolls that congress clearly isn’t aware of to work on this
- They are top secret classification and committee members who should have access don’t and are unaware of the projects
- Beings have been retrieved
- Grusch has seen the vehicles but not the entities
die aussagen sind ja nicht ganz neu:
Grusch hatte in einem Interview mit dem Branchenportal »The Debrief« diese Behauptungen bereits im Juni gemacht – und damit die Anhörung im Kongress überhaupt erst ausgelöst. Kritiker monieren, dass er nun – unter Eid – nicht alle Aussagen wiederholt und besonders spektakuläre Details aus dem Interview ausgelassen habe.