Release Notes for 9/5/2023
[ MAPS ]
- Fixed CT spawn area shape in minimap
- Adjusted spawn locations to reduce the likelihood of players spawning stuck together
- Various bug fixes and tweaks
Re-enabled Casual matchmaking
Fixed a bug where dropped weapons were behaving like held weapons
Adjusted interpolation parameters
Fixed missing bullet tracers on hits
Made it easier to pick up dropped weapons
- Fixed a case where music wouldn’t play at the end of deathmatch
[ MISC ]
Various bug fixes and tweaks to Premier UI elements
Adjusted freeze time post-processing effects
Fixed missing player models for the first few seconds after team introductions
Windows community servers can now appear in Steam Server Browser
Haben die Interpolation Werte, die überall rumgeisterten, jetzt selber neu festgesetzt. Waffe aufheben ist deutlich einfacher geworden und der Iris-ausbrennen-Effekt wurde runtergeschraubt.